Tyne Folk

Terry Conway Night

It's not unusual to have very good guest nights at tynefolk, and it's not unusual to have very interesting guest nights either, but last Thursday saw a very good, very interesting and also a very special guest night which, in truth had the feeling of closeness and harmony in a full room of like-minded people who had come together to celebrate our good friend Terry Conway.

For those who didn't come, it was not only an opportunity missed, but also a rare opportunity to find out a little more about this private man and excellent singer and song writer.

The night started with any floor singer who could sing any of Terry's songs and then followed on with standard folk songs for the remainder of the first half.

After the break, Mike Tickell and Alan Lynch presented a slide show for the rest of the night of Terry, a selection if his songs (on a very good sound system) and as all the choruses were up on screen so the whole room lifted with some excellent singing.

Between each song information about Terry, his life and his songs was given by Mike and Liz Conway who was also present.

We donated some money from the club funds and everyone in the room also gave generously. £200 was raised for McMillan Nurses. Liz also added all CD sales from the night.

For all those who came we would like to give a big thank you for supporting this event. For those who missed it, please read below.

( I would urge any club organisers to contact Mike Tickell and Alan Lynch and ask them if they would be willing to visit your club and re-create the wonderful night that we all experienced of (in my view) an important figure in our area, who will always be remembered by singers of our songs in the North East. Up to now it has only been seen at last year's Whitby Festival and tynefolk and deserves more attention than this.)

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